MicroConf conference tips and guide

Going to MicroConf? Here are my best tips on getting the most out of this conference for bootstrapped entrepreneurs.

The brainchild of Rob Walling and Mike Taber, this event bucks the startup trend by not being for venture-funded companies.

“MicroConf is a great place to meet like-minded people who are self-funding their businesses. It’s one of the best places to make friends with other people in the same situation as you. In fact, it is one of the few places you can do that!”? – Hiten Shah

Who should attend?

Generally, you're a good fit for the MicroConf conference if you're making a full-time income from a digital product (SaaS, software, other). Officially, the conference website says:

MicroConf Growth is focused on founders who are looking to grow their company into a seven-or eight-figure business.

MicroConf does run other events for folks who are just getting started. These can be a good fit if you're still consulting (or working a day job) and building something on the side.

What day and time should I fly in?

Many folks will fly in a day before the conference to hang out and tour around. I always regret it when I arrive at the conference the day it’s starting.

"Based on my past experience, it's better to arrive early then try to stay longer after the conference. If you want to add a vacation to the trip, add it before the conference instead of adding it after." – Benedikt Deicke, Slow & Steady

The hallway track

The “hallway track” refers to hanging out with other attendees outside of the main talks.

This might mean grabbing a coffee with another attendee, joining a table for breakfast, or hanging out in the lobby outside the conference room. People often say that this informal hangout time is the best part of MicroConf.

Here are a few things to remember:

Make a plan for who you would like to meet and what topics you want to discuss. If you have specific folks you’d like to ask questions of, write a list of their names and what topic you’d like to discuss.

But… also be open to meeting “sleeper attendees.” At any event, there are always people everyone wants to talk to, and then there are folks who aren’t as well-known. Outside of the bloggers, podcasters, and “internet famous” people you’ve heard of, there are tons of amazing entrepreneurs at MicroConf with awesome stories to tell.

Rehearse your answer to: “What are you working on?” People at MicroConf are curious! They’ll want to know what you’re working on. Don’t be self-conscious. Just tell them about your main project or pitch them your business idea.

One idea is to host a reception in your room during the evenings. Buy some drinks, and give out personal invitations (be sure to invite a wide variety of people!)

Joining others for a meal or coffee can be a great opportunity to meet new people. (See below for good options around the hotel).

Be vulnerable. You don’t need to pretend at MicroConf. If you’re struggling with something, share it with others! It’s likely other people have been where you’re at now. Be open and honest; no need to fake it.

The talks

MicroConf talks are packed with tactics. Want to get the most out of them?

Leave your laptop in your room. It’s way too easy to get distracted during a talk by Slack, your email, and other work that needs to be done. Bring a pen and paper, or write notes on your iPhone.

You don’t need to take photos of each slide. Most speakers make their slides available afterwards, and the talks are also recorded. Christian Genco writes awesome recaps at microconf.gen.co.

Enjoying a talk? Let the speaker know! Quote a notable line on Twitter (use the #microconf hashtag), or tell them afterwards.

Giving a talk?

MicroConf is unique in that there are keynote talks and talks from attendees. Here are some tips for speaking at MicroConf:

  • Practice. When it comes to being prepared, practicing your talk (out loud) trumps everything else.

  • Practice your talk in front of an audience. Then, give it to your family, friends, or at a meetup.

  • Watch past attendee talks. You can find them here on Youtube. Observe what works and what doesn’t. Remember, you don’t have a lot of time, so you need to be succinct and focus on a few key points.

Frequently asked questions

How good is MicroConf?

"It’s really great, but because of all the like-minded people there are to meet and learn from, not because of the talks. I think it would be even better if they cut down on the speaking and added more structured opportunities for discussions, especially for the introverts." – Adam Wathan

How should I handle a hotel, taxi, and the airport?

Taking a Lyft/Uber from the airport to downtown seems to be the preferred option.

What's the dress code at MicroConf?

"It ranges from ultra-casual to business casual. Be comfortable. But the room is usually chilly, so plan accordingly." – Dave Churchville

You'll see a lot of folks in jeans, t-shirts, button-up shirts. You'll also see some folks who are in shorts!

Other advice

  • Check your passport well before you leave. Is it up to date? Does it need to be renewed?

  • Don't spend too much time in your hotel room. You’ll definitely need some rest, but if you hide in your room the whole time, you’ll miss out. MicroConf is about building relationships. If you go to any of the hotel restaurants, you can usually find other attendees.

  • Add Slack to your phone. The MicroConf Slack chat is the main communication channel. It’s where a lot of the planning for social get-togethers happens.

  • Don’t drink too much alcohol. There’s nothing wrong with having a few drinks with other attendees. But being hungover is the worst! Take it slow.


I hope this is helpful!

Justin Jackson
Co-founder of Transistor.fm
(if you're looking to start a podcast, we'd love to help you out!)

Published on May 28th, 2024
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