Recently, I had a chat with Alan Klement about Jobs to be Done. Alan is writing a book on the topic, it's probably the best thing I've read this year.
Here's our conversation:
We cover the following topics:
What is Jobs to be Done?
How does JTBD help us understand customer motivation?
How does JTBD help us build better products?
B2C example. Wy does someone upgrade to the iPhone 7?
B2B example. Why does someone hire MailChimp?
How to unearth the struggle that customers are having.
How to see opportunities for un-met jobs, and how to avoid tunnel vision ("We build CRM software, and that's all customers will ever need.")
How do we transition from JTBD to product development and marketing? How does the handoff work?
Here are a few notes:
Alan's book: When Kale and Coffee Compete (will be released free online!)