Sometimes I'm surprised by the "form factor" of digital media. For example, I rarely bother with podcasts that are under 30 minutes long, because I listen to them in the car. Here's how I consume digital media:
Podcasts: 45 minutes to 1 hour is perfect
Lately I've been using Skitcher on my iPhone to stream podcasts, continuously, while I drive.
Music, almost always MP3s on iTunes.
Haven't had time to check out streaming services, like Rdio, yet
I can't focus on work and listen to podcasts at the same time
If I'm lifting weights, music, on my iPhone (Mp3s).
If I'm on the bike, video podcasts (30 minutes to 45 minutes is perfect)
iPhone reading before bed: Twitter, Flipboard, Globe and Mail, Tumblr
iPad reading with breakfast: Zite, Flipboard, Edmonton Journal
Video podcast: I watch one video podcast on Saturday or Sunday: CBC News "At Issue" political panel
How do you consume digital media? Do you listen to podcasts? When and where? Do have a favorite web show?