Sell more by
standing out.

Jolt! Creative marketing tactics you can try today

A book for programmers, designers, freelancers, makers, and entrepreneurs.


ePub, Mobi, PDF formats

How do you get customers to know you exist?

The key to good marketing is stand out. You can't just imitate the same tired tactics everyone else is using. You need campaigns that are unique, interesting, and unexpected.

"Guerrilla marketing for the online world."

Jolt is full of creative marketing ideas you can try on your next project. It's based on my experience doing product marketing at Sprintly, MegaMaker, and helping launch dozens of other products.

This book has ideas for software developers, startups designers, writers, artists, and small businesses. If you sell something online, it's for you.


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Weird marketing ideas for programmers, designers, freelancers, makers, and entrepreneurs.

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Who am I?

Justin Jackson

Hi! I'm Justin Jackson. You might know me from one of my podcasts (Product People, Build & Launch, MegaMaker)

I've done product marketing at two startups: and most recently at Sprintly.

In 2016 (after building up side-project revenue) I switched to building products full-time.

Here's a few of the other things I've launched (or helped launch): Network Effects, Remote Workers, Partyline, Product Press, and Levels Theme.

Frequently Asked Questions

How many pages is it?
156 pages PDF, 227 page ePub, 169 pages on Kindle


Twitter: @mijustin