Justin Jackson

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I had an awesome time meeting you all. Thanks for coming to my talk on The Freedom Ladder: Achieving Financial Independence Through Products.

If you have any questions in the future, feel free to reach out at [email protected] or on Twitter: @mijustin

You can download my slides here:

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Who am I?

Justin Jackson, Product Marketing

Hi, I'm Justin Jackson, @mijustin on Twitter.

I'm the former Product Manager at Sprintly and Mailout.com. I've also consulted on marketing & growth for startups in London, San Francisco, Boulder, and Portland.

I wrote Marketing for Developers, in October 2015. Since then, it's been purchased over 2,500 times.

Currently, I'm building Tiny Marketing Wins.

You might have heard my podcasts: MegaMaker, and Product People. I've also been featured in: Inc. Magazine, Fast Company, LifeHacker, The Next Web, Hacker Monthly.

Have questions?

Email: [email protected]

Twitter: @mijustin