I wish I'd had this before I started my last two projects.
Marty Dill, @codemarty
Does this story sound familiar?
It's 1am, and you can't sleep. You've been struck with a brilliant idea and you can't get it out of your head. After fidgeting in bed for an hour, you go down to the basement and start coding.
By 7am you have a working prototype. You keep working on it evenings and weekends; creating new features, refining the design, and building out the billing system. Soon, the whole thing is ready for launch. You deploy it to production, and wait for your first customers to sign up.
But the customers don't come. What happened?
"Programming is black and white. Marketing is a world of gray."
Quit looking for that magical growth unicorn. You don't need to win the startup lottery. You can earn a good income from building and launching your own products.
The videos and book below will teach you everything you need to get started:
- How to build something people want
- The Lean Marketing Stack
- How to build momentum before you launch
- A launch plan and checklist
- How to get more leads after you launch
Want a free sample?
Sign up for my mailing list, and I'll send you a free PDF from Marketing for Developers.
This guide is packed with tactical advice.
Rob Walling, @robwalling
Tired of shipping projects that fail to get traction?
Using step-by-step instructions, you'll learn market research tactics that help surface solid product ideas. Armed with this research, you'll be able to create your product with confidence, knowing that you're meeting a legitimate need. No more guessing!
You'll also learn how to grow a launch list from the moment you start building your product. Don't worry about launching to crickets. This time you'll have people waiting to purchase your product on day one.
Table of Contents
- 1 1. Hello World
- 11 2. Build something people want
- 39 3. The Lean Marketing Stack
- 77 4. What to do before you launch
- 97 5. Your launch plan
- 109 6. How to grow after you launch
- 146 7. Case studies
- Download complete table of contents
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Keep it simple.

Build something people want. Learn the Lean Marketing Stack. Get the launch checklist. And, follow the launch tactics to get your first 100 customers.
Perfect for developers who:
- Are looking for an idea
- Just built their product, but haven't launched
- Just launched, but need traction.
The PDF is 160 pages. There is also an ePub, Mobi and web version. You will be emailed your username + password after purchase.
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Inteviews with Des Traynor (Intercom), Sacha Greif (Discover Meteor), Brian Casel (Audience Ops), Jarrod Drysdale (Tiny Designer), Marc-Andre Cournoyer (Coded Inc), Nir Eyal (Hooked), Tracy Osborn (Hello Web App), Nathan Barry (ConvertKit), Sean Fioritto (Sketching with CSS), Garrett Dimon (Sifter), Dan Norris (WPCurve), Brennan Dunn (Planscope)
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Inteviews with Tracy Osborn (Hello Web App), Nathan Barry (ConvertKit), Sean Fioritto (Sketching with CSS), Garrett Dimon (Sifter)
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Worksheets: Prospects Ranked by Priority (Excel), Audience Discovery (PDF).
Code sample: implementing Segment tracking in a simple HTML form.
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