Indie Newsletter

Stories, lessons, and inspiration for independent makers

If you're a developer, designer, or entrepreneur making an independent income from digital products (or you want to), this newsletter is for you.

"Without a doubt one of the best newsletters I have read in a long time." – Darren Stuart

Why you should join:

I started working for startups in 2008 and eventually worked my way up to being Product Manager at Sprintly in 2014.

But my dream was always to make an independent income from the things I create.

After years of side-hustle, I finally went independent in January, 2016. My first year solo I earned $146k, more than I'd made as an employee.

This newsletter is designed to inspire and motivate anyone who wants to be a solopreneur. Whether you've been indie for years, or want to make the jump.

★★★★★ “Thanks for building a mailing list that actually *means* something and doesn’t just go straight into the trash, unopened. I love it!” – Thomas Hazledine

What you'll get:

You'll get an email from me almost every week. You can expect topics like this:

  1. Lessons learned. Sample: Focus on your own sh*t.
  2. Stories from other entrepreneurs. Sample: How Jason Fried started his business with $20 in an envelope.
  3. Inspiration. Sample: Start like this.

Who am I?

Justin Jackson, Product Marketing

Hi, I’m Justin Jackson, @mijustin on Twitter.

I’m the former Product Manager at Sprintly and I’ve also consulted on marketing & growth for startups in London, San Francisco, Boulder, and Portland.

I wrote Marketing for Developers, in October 2015. Since then, it’s been purchased over 2,500 times.

Currently, I’m building Tiny Marketing Wins.

You might have heard my podcasts: MegaMaker, and Product People. I’ve also been featured in: Inc. Magazine, Fast Company, LifeHacker, The Next Web, Hacker Monthly.

Have questions?

Email: [email protected]

Twitter: @mijustin